Cervinodata Klipfolio integration
The Cervinodata Klipfolio integration can now be used directly from the Klipfolio Connector Gallery. Cervinodata makes it easy for online agencies and larger corporations to collect, store, prepare and deliver online marketing data to visualise in Klipfolio, Google Data Studio and other reporting tools.
Multiple client, Multiple accounts
Store and prepare your data before before you use it in Klipfolio. Make it super easy to combine multiple accounts or multiple channels in one data set.
- Combine data from multiple Google Analytics views into one data set
- Combine data like costs, impressions, clicks, conversions from Adwords, Facebook Ads, Doubleclick, LinkedIn ads and BING Ads in one data set
- Easily add or remove accounts or channels without having to change the formulas in Klipfolio
- Filter specific campaigns from Adwords, FB Ads, BING Ads and other channels, and combine this in one data set
Fetch historic data and safely store it for future use in Klipfolio
Cervinodata enables you to fetch historic data from your online marketing channels and safely stores it for future use. Then use only the data you need in Klipfolio and simply add more data to your dashboard when you need it.
- Unsampled data sets from Google Analytics
- Compare current period (i.e. current year to data) with a previous period
- Build a history of Google Search Console data
- Build a history of Facebook Ads data
Add targets, benchmarks and alerts
Cervinodata enables you to pre-calculate sums, averages and benchmarks from multiple accounts, clients or channels.
- The sum of all sessions and transactions from all the local webshops of a client
- The sum of all costs of all the advertising channels of a client
- Use a calculated benchmark to compare one client’s conversion rate to the average conversion rate of all your clients
- Add a (variable) monthly budget to your dataset to compare actuals vs. budget
Further reading
- How to build an algorithm: https://www.klipfolio.com/blog/algorithm-in-six-steps
- 5 years partnership with Klipfolio & Cervinodata: https://www.klipfolio.com/blog/cervinodata-klipfolio-bigquery-solution
- A true no-coding experience: https://www.klipfolio.com/blog/klipfolio-cervinodata-bigquery-perfect-combination
- Check out our multichannel dashboard for Klipoflio: multichannel